Hunt has ended

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  • Find QR codes all over Campus. Login to the website, scan QR earn points and Exchange them during E-Summit for goodies, backstage photos and more.

    QR Hunt:
    Campus Expedition

    Welcome, brave explorers, to the ultimate campus expedition! In this thrilling QR hunt game, you'll embark on a quest to uncover the hidden treasures scattered throughout the nooks and corners of our campus. Your goal? To collect a formidable army of 15 cards by scanning the elusive QR codes lurking in the shadows.

    Rules of Engagement:

    • Leveled Triumphs: Embark on a journey through five levels, collecting cards to ascend. Each level corresponds to the number of cards needed. The higher the level, the greater the glory.
    • Ascend to Greatness: Conquer each level to earn rewards and ascend higher. Gain 25 points with each level conquered, edging closer to victory.
    • Equal Valor, Equal Points: All cards within a level hold equal value, offering equal opportunities for greatness. Fortune favors the bold!
    • Unyielding Vigilance: Beware the shadows; each QR code may be scanned only once. Stay sharp as you navigate the terrain.
    • The Pursuit of Victory: Victory lies not just in the number of cards but in the total points earned. Strive for excellence to claim victory.